Getting results online is hard.
Last week I saw a company that said they learned more with me in two hours than they had gained by spending $2,000 in a month of marketing.
When I see clients that have spent time and money online without results, I find that there are three areas that often fall short of what is needed to attract clients organically.
Organic marketing means that you DIDN"T have to pay money to Facebook or LinkedIn or Google to grab someone's attention (more on that in my next blog).
So what are the three hacks to review before spending your hard earned cash on paid advertising?
1. Website Upgrade
Your website is your main calling card and let's face it, you want people to find it, read it and click through to call or purchase. But is your website ready? Here are the top 3 problems with websites that we tackle:
- Mobile Responsive Issues
- Content focussed on 'What you do'
- More than 2 second user journey
Is your Site truly Mobile Responsive?
Even when you've adapted your website, it's often hard for someone to see EVERY page and to call you from their mobile. Now with Google switching to mobile first search engine rankings that's going to sink you like a stone.
'What You Do" is not Enough
Content focussed on what you do is commonplace, but here's the thing - in a crowded marketplace people assume you know how to do what you do, that you do it well and that you achieve results. The question is WHY they should choose you to do it.
People choose me because I create ROI of 10 x on my copy like for Doxie Watches and VicBeam. They choose me because I make more sense than spending $2,000 on advertising to see whether their idea is going to work.
Capture Attention in 2 Seconds or Lose Them!
The 7 Second bounce is something I talk about because it's still being overlooked. If your client has to look around your website to find out what to do, or if they don't like the initial look and feel, all that money you spent is wasted because they will just bounce off and head somewhere else. In 1.2 to 7 seconds, your chance to win their business is gone.
2. Maximise Congruency
Our brand isn't just the latest landing page or ad campaign and businesses often forget that.
Our brand is everywhere we appear, every listing on Google and every photo, every social profile.
Often there's an old landing page, social link or out of date content out there in the ether online and that means that you don't look congruent - there's a little disconnection in what you do and how you come across.
That can make or break a sale.
Take a quick look to see how similar your branding is and whether the profiles out there firstly exist and secondly look and feel like the best version of you.
We find that either clients don't have the right assets online, or they have outdated information visible that shows their brand in a poor light. Don't let that be you.
Case Study:
Emma Sidney and HeartRites Consulting
Being Emma Sidney is a case in point of how being online can be quite a confusing experience for your client. You'll find that I am often credited as a musician and so a lot of the online entries relate to that.
I also ran my first business under 'social media mentor training' and in that brand I created an ebook that went to #1 on Amazon, 10 Hot Tips for Social Media Success.
Then I looked at my purpose and began to align my copywriting and digital strategy business under the name HeartRites Consulting.
Interview with Gerald Richards on Building Better Business, 2016.
If your online presence is a little messy, then believe me I understand and we can look at that.
I'm in the process of helping one client regain control of their YouTube channels and another of protecting their IP as someone else is claiming that they represent the same brand.
To create complete congruency for 'Emma Sidney I'm also in the process of repurposing my 3 websites to truly reflect the Emma Sidney brand.
When complete, will show the three aspects of me: music, inspiration, and digital copywriting, with for music, being for inspiration, and digital copywriting as you see it here.
To put this in a client perspective, for Psoriasis Australia, we recreated their brand from scratch - new unique logo, new website, socials and physical assets like flyers and banners. We are also in the process of reclaiming some outstanding assets that are being used elsewhere. It's all possible and it is very worthwhile.
3. Blog Regularly
As a busy business owner I know that you struggle to find time to create online content, believe me although I do this every day for others I feel the same way. However, there is a real value to blogs at the moment. Blogs are a source of new leads and a huge source of internet interest, with 3/5 internet users reading them.
This makes blogs more powerful than emails, FB ads and normal social content.
"It continues to be the case that most Australian Internet users (60%) read online reviews or blogs....
- Sensis Social Media Report 2016
If you can create blogs and send your clients back to your website, you're creating a valuable source of 'know, like and trust', greater authority and a genuine source of information that will inspire clients to consider you as the source for their next product or service.
We love to educate and assist our clients to develop their strategies and their blogs, so if you need know how, give us a buzz or drop an email.
Related Tags: Digital Media Marketing | Digital Marketing Strategist