User experience is crucial in website conversion rates
UX or user testing is crucial to success in any advertising campaign. Large companies know this. But you would be surprised how many SME's don't even think about the quality of the journey on their website to their potential client.
One of the first principles in creating a decision making client is KISS - Keep It Simple Sweetheart. (I've changed the last 'S' because I don't think derogatory comments help anyone... )
So then, why is it that many websites are either detail shy or detail heavy? Why is it that so many companies are offering long page sales templates to assist you to create a sales journey?
It's because without 'know, like and trust', people don't know who you are or what you do. Telling an effective story is crucial to success. Here's an example:
How to Market Leather Goods Effectively
My client, Jake Harrison, is a leather goods maker in Australia.
He sells his goods at a higher price, because they are genuinely hand made, crafted from the finest materials and last for 20 years instead of 2. Now Jake didn't realise he had something special about him until I articulated it for him.
“I remember I would catch the bus from school, walk into dads’ shop “Leather Lasts” and sit next to him... The leathers "felt soapy, so soft and supple, rich natural tans and blacks, making me want to explore every texture, every shape.”
In January 2014 Jake was taking a flight... and he... hunted through all the high-end leather shops looking for that texture – that feel and design.... It was all mass-produced and the designer labels didn’t really match quality for asking price.
Jake had a light bulb moment. He decided to follow in his dads’ footsteps."
With a new found understanding of Jake's real depth of talent, you can see why you would pay more and get a wonderful belt, wallet or case from him rather than the local shop.
What's more, he has a Shopify site which allows an easy to use purchase process.
Here are my 3 tips for UX experience.
1. Map a journey for your client
You've got 7 seconds to capture attention! This means MAKE IT EASY - not lots of menus, not click throughs. The best sites are so simple to buy you don't have the think about anything. Paypal can be helpful and the merchant version includes credit card facility.
2. Don't ask too much
A $0.00 offering is standard practice now. Offer a consult for free, a simple time or better yet .pdf based solution for someone to start their journey with you.
If you want an email address or phone for follow ups, ask for just one of those; if you only need a first name ask just for that.
3. Use Video
Video is going to be around 74% of the content online in the next couple of years. Only 14% of websites use it, so you're ahead of the curve right now.
This is my hottest tip for user experience, because seeing someone online gives a far better impression than words on a page alone.
Now, it's easy for me to say all this because this is my area of expertise. I love looking at websites and working out whether they need help.
I regularly create strategy maps, rewrite and amend non-performing websites and web pages. I do so with unique copy too.
If you would like some help with your, please email me or call me and I'll offer a FREE review of your website.
Related Tag: E Marketing